Unlucky, today I got stomach ache again. I suffered this from time to time. This is a real nuisance, and I hate it very much. Every time, when I suffered from it, I almost ate nothing. If I ate somthing, I would throw up, for the stomach cannot digest food when it was wrong. I always decided to protect stomache well when I got stomach ache, but I paid no attention to it when it worked well. For example, I often had very spicy food, strong drink, cold food and so on. All these do harm to stomach. Therefore, here I sought some useful suggestions for your reference.
First Step: Home Remedies
1. Eat if you think it might be related to hunger!
2. Try to go to the bathroom. As usual.
3. Your feet must be in a higher level than the rest of your body, put some pillows below your feet and the ache will go away.
4. Eat an herb which aids digestion, such as ginger (ginger-ale with ACTUAL ginger in it, or ginger snaps), peppermint (gum and candy cane as long as it is real peppermint) or Aloe Vera Juice (an anti-parasitic that aids digestion),or Vernors(very greate soda for helping cure stumach aches and is from MI). Similar herb teas that help digestion include mint, ginger or chamomile tea.
5. Place a heating pad on your abdomen to give temporary relief.
6. Lie down for a few minutes and relax.
Close your eyes.
Place a cool moist washcloth over your forehead.
Breath slowly and evenly, trying to keep your mind off of the pain.
7. Sip a glass of iced water slowly.
8. Eat bland foods; crackers, bread, rice, etc. Sometimes stomach aches are caused by too much Avoid acid floating around in your stomach with nothing to do. These foods will help absorb the acid to make things a little more comfortable. Also, you may just be hungry!
9. Avoid spicy or fast foods, heavy foods, rich desserts until your stomach balances out.
10. Drinking black coffee tends to aid the digestive process.
11. Try a Tums. Especially the fruit kind.
12. Drink some flat lemonade
13. Try carbonated beverages such as ginger ale, carbonated mineral water (mix with juice to add flavor), or tonic water (with quinine, tastes horrible but works!)
14. Try lying on your stomach to ease the pain.
15. Avoid drinking dairy products
16. Place an ice cube above, on, or below your belly button and lie down
17. Lay on your left side comfortably, it helps move acid flow, while getting rid of gas bubbles that may be causing pain. This also may cause flatulance.
Second Step: Over-The-Counter Medications
1. Take over-the-counter medications like Gas-ex to relieve the pressure from gas build up.
2. Allow yourself to pass gas, even if you are in polite company. It may be somewhat embarrassing, but you do not want to allow yourself to become bloated or let the cramps become more serious and painful. Also, go into another room such as the bathroom to pass gas if you do not want to be embarrassed.
3. Take a mild laxative to encourage a bowel movement for relief.
4. Try Emitrol or Imodium to relieve cramps associated with diarrhea. Pepto-Bismol may help some stomach related pains, along with other OTC products. Check labels in the drug store or ask the pharmacist for their advice.
5. Do not stop taking medication prescribed by your doctor. All medications should be taken unless the doctor indicates otherwise.
1. Notice any food that may disagree with your digestion. Some people are not tolerant of different foods, so if you often suffer from stomach ache, keep a food diary and try to determine if there is an association with a certain food or group of foods and your stomach cramps.
Malunggay extract can prevent cramps and stomach pain in persons who are lactose intolerant. This includes, cheese, milks, yogurts, milk shakes, milk chocolate, etc. Some people have issues with cheese but may be tolerant of milk or vise versa.
Crush some malunggay leaves and some water..
Eating an excessive amount of non-soluble fiber may cause cramps associated with constipation.
Some people are sensitive to uncooked vegetables and fruits, particularly if the peels are not removed.
Avoid consuming harsh substances such as acidic pops and juices, alcohol, and spicy foods. If something is really wrong in there, these could irritate it and make it worse.
2. Look into the possibility you suffer from Crohn's Syndrome, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and seek medical treatment if this is the case.
3. Consider stress as a possible cause of stomach pain or cramps. If the condition coincides with stressful situations, try to avoid stress as much as possible, and look at learning stress management techniques.
4. Realize anti-inflammatory medications (Advil, Aleve, Naprosin, etc), antibiotics, vitamins, birth control pills and many other medications can cause upset stomach, nausea or stomach pains. Unless your doctor specifies you should take on an empty stomach you should always take with food. Medications that cause you more serious upset should be taken on a full stomach and not just crackers or a piece of toast.
5. Document your symptoms if they persist. Write down what foods you ate, snacks, beverages, other medications taken that day, vitamins, stressing events. You may be able to determine the cause.
6. Eat a peppermint or two. The mint will calm down the ache and make you relax.
*Try your best not to think about your stomach, sometimes just forgetting about it will make it go away.
*If you experience pain after eating a meal - try drinking only before you start eating, drinking liquids makes it harder to digest food.
*One old trick is to drink sugar salt water. To make this all you have to do is get a glass of water, and put about a teaspoon of salt and sugar in the water. It tastes nasty, but a lot of times it works wonders. If it doesn't work, it isn't your normal stomach ache.
*A white soda pop may help you burp away some of the discomfort especially if it is trapped stomach gases.
*Try holding a piece of ice - it will take all of the concentration off your stomach.
*Try pushing on your stomach and if it makes a gurgling noise, it means you probably have gas.
*Try drinking peppermint tea. It coats your stomach.
*If you have a mint plant, take a leaf and chew on it... like gum. "Do not swallow it if you have heartburn".
*Only lie on you're stomach with a minor pain not a serious pain.
*And don't squirm just lie down and take deep breaths. Lying on your stomach evens out the food so you can go on your way!
*Try bringing your knees to your chest and just stay in one spot. Once the pain goes away stretch out alittle bit.