

“今天,你‘躲猫猫’了吗?”这句看似无厘头的话,是一条社会新闻后面的网友评论。云南一个因盗伐林木被关进看守所的青年,2月8日在看守所内受伤,被送进医院,2月12日死亡。警方称其受伤的原因是放风时和狱友玩“躲猫猫”撞在墙上。‘躲猫猫’是啥意思?刚开始,我也看不明白,一头雾水。后来看了许多报到之后才知道就是玩猫捉老鼠。荒谬之极吧,竟然玩猫捉老鼠也能玩死人,你相信吗?事情披露后,公安局人员竟然说是躲猫猫致死的,而且多次推脱事情真相,以监控器被毁为由拒绝提供监视录像。然后事情调查的最终结果是 晋宁县看守所在押人员李荞明系因同监室在押人员殴打、拳击头部后撞击墙面,导致受伤、死亡。现在都提倡法治社会。那可真是成了法治的悲哀,玷污了法制。“躲猫猫”就能使一颗生命陨落,这不是愚弄十三亿人们的智慧吗?由此产生了一系列讽刺十足,诙谐的词语。比如,“早晨起床时做了几个俯卧撑,然后被家里支去打酱油,打完酱油后与小朋友一起玩躲猫猫……”“珍爱生命不躲猫猫”“躲猫猫躲死你丫!” 躲猫猫有望在“这事儿不能说太细”之后,成为2009年又一个网络流行语。






提到一见钟情,大家肯定想到是找对象时说的一见钟情。大家可不要想歪了哦,偶这里的一见钟情不是那个意思哦。偶是对今天的面试官一见钟情,也许你会争辩说那还不是对异性的好感。偶郑重声明:偶的这个一见钟情不是那女之间的一见钟情,是对偶今天遇见的这个面试官的才华的一见钟情。怎么说呢?从面试开始到结束,他都跟我用一口流利的英语在交谈,大家肯定都有这种感觉老板一般是不会英文的。但我今天这个面试官的英语超牛,而且谈吐非凡,偶是算遇见知音了,偶佩服的五体投地。谈了半个多小时,谈着谈着,越来越兴奋,真想不停地谈下去。更让我吃惊的是,谈到最后无意间说到了二外,他竟然说英语是他的二外,日语才是他的专业。Oh,my God! 当时那个崇拜劲真得无法形容,恨不得把自己“嫁给”他,这里说的可不是男婚女嫁的嫁哦,偶说的是希望他聘请我,偶为他卖力。



Love Terms(爱情用语)

Valentine's Day 情人节
Date 约会
Bunch 花束
Rose 玫瑰
Candy 糖果
Chocolate 巧克力
Forget-Me-Not 勿忘我
Puppy Love/First Love 初恋
Cute Meet 浪漫的邂逅
Fall In Love 坠入爱河
Love At The First Sight 一见钟情
Propose 求婚
Valentine Cards 情人节卡片
Candlelight Dinner 烛光晚餐
Heart-Shaped/Cordate 心形的
Truelove 真爱
Enamored 倾心的
Saint Valentine\'s Day 情人节
The Chemical Feeling 奇妙的感觉,触电
Sweet Bitterness 甜蜜的痛苦
A Doomed Couple 天生一对
A Happy Ending 大团圆结局
Sweetheart 甜心
Lover 爱人
Cupid 爱神丘比特
Admirer 仰慕者
Romance 浪漫
Heartthrob 激情
Courtship 求爱
Infatuation 醉心
Promise/Pledge/Vow 誓言
Fidelity 忠心
Eternal/Immortal/Everlasting 永恒

Valentine's Day

Today is valentine's day.

May all shall be well, Jack shall have Jill!


祸不单行的一天(Trouble Never Comes Alone)



根据丁丁地图的指引,偶下了车,找个公司。XX路380号,没错。我走在这XX路上,左右张望,一眼就 看见了左边有个398号,右边是383号。左双号,右单号,那我的380号就应该在左边。没错,应该就在398号的前面一点点。我就穿越XX路,沿着左边,边数边走,没走几不就看见362号了。?倒!怎么就362号了?会不会是在前面呢,按常规来说是不可能的。可我这个人就是幻想奇迹的出现。谁知道再往前走,号码越来越小了。我就只好折回到398号,问保全,他们都说不知道这个380号。没办法,偶只好又横过马路,来到XX路右边,说不定这个380号在左边呢。笑脸相迎的去问保全,他们也说不知道。这就怪了,怎么都不知道,难道是时空隧道?其中有位好心的保全问我有XX公司的电话没?是的,没错,打个电话问问不就是了。经他这么一提醒,偶赶紧从包包里难手机,结果翻了底朝天也没找着。想起来了,手机落在床上了。怎么办,眼看时间早就到了,心里那个急啊,只差心脏没蹦出来了。有了,我突然想出了一个办法,就是打我一个朋友的电话,叫她给我网上查查那公司的电话不可以了。有必要申明一点,这是我所有朋友当中,我唯一记得的一个号码。于是,我借那位好心的保全大哥的电话一打,马上听到中国移动系统提示“您拨叫的用户已停机”。欲哭无泪!我急中生智,又想出了一个办法,问保全他们的手机可以上网不,他们都说没开通。但他们马上告诉我,附近有个网吧。他们叫我从他们的小区里可以直接穿过。我于是只好快马加鞭的飞奔。偶向来没方向感,偌大的一个小区,把我折腾的个够呛,不知道绕了多少弯路,终于走出了那个小区。



来到巴士站等巴士。不巧正遇上放学,下班高峰期,巴士上人流涌动,车水马龙,赌车特别厉害。运气真好,刚到,就来了我 要乘的那趟。放眼望去,那个人啊,好恐怖的!里面已经挤得动弹不的了,外面还有一大群要挤进去。于是乎想到了林语堂的《围城》:外面的人拼了命的想进去,里面的人挣扎着想跑出来。偶是没有那个实力与他们去抗衡的,只好眼睁睁地看着巴士远去,矗在原地等next. 不等还好,这一等就等了足足半个小时,等得我心都碎了。半个小时后,终于来了一趟,还是人流攒动。没办法,上海的巴士就这样,只好硬着头皮上呗。


Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery.Today is a gift. Yea, I should cherish the present!


延长春节假日 恢复五一长假









How to Make Your Blog Gain High Hit

In nowadays, I believe every one has their own blog, or even some people has sevral blogs. People like to share their mood, experience, happiness or anythingelse in their blogs with strangers. Till up now, there are thousands of millions blogs, so how to make your blog stand out from the crowd and gain high hit? Here are some useful suggestions I collected, in the hope of giving help to many blog writers.

1. Pick a unique topic - it is easier said than done to choose a topic that is unique from everyone else today in a blogosphere as crowded as we’re currently in - however opportunities do arise to start blogs on topics that are new trends, products or ideas. Being first doesn’t guarantee success - but it can help.

2. Develop a Unique Voice - while it may not always be possible to choose a unique topic it can sometimes be easier to cover that topic in a way that others do not. Whether it be by using humor, blogging as a character, blogging in the 3rd Person or some other way - finding a unique voice or style can set you apart from the rest.

3. Design - having a unique blog design doesn’t mean you need to pay big dollars for a custom design - start with a default one and tweak it with a unique logo, colors and layout. Visual first impressions count and can be the deciding factor as to whether people subscribe to your blog or not.

4. Useful Content - perhaps the best way to stand out from the crowd and make an impression upon people is to produce content that impacts them in some way. Write something that matters, that helps people, that solves a problem, that enhances people’s lives and you drastically increase the chances of them coming back and bringing a friend with them.

5. Be Prolific - something that can make a real impression on people is when they keep ‘bumping into you’. Predict where your potential readers will be going online and position yourself there as a prolific contributor. It might be social media sites, it might be the comments section of another blog or it could be a forum on your topic - wherever it is - make sure you have an active presence there. If people keep seeing you in the places that they hang out they’ll eventually take note and want to know more about you.

6. Love Your Readers to Death - this is key in the early days of a blog when readers seem scarce. The reality is that the 10 readers that you DO have already are a powerful resource - focuse upon them rather than the thousands of readers that you DON’T have. Love them - thank them for their comments - involve them in your blogging - promote them and the sites that they have and in doing so you’ll be building loyalty, trust and relationship that one day will pay off. Each reader you have has their own network and can open up new audiences to you.

7. Be Original - there’s nothing more dry than coming to a blog that has much the same content as every other blog that you’ve already read that day. Don’t just rehash news and talk about things in the same way that others are - dare to be different, play devils advocate, look for new angles in stories, translate the news for your readers and help them to work out how it impacts them etc

8. Express an Opinion - people who express opinions seem to get more attention than those who simply report news. Tell people what YOU think and you’re bound to get discussion between those who agree with you and those who do not.

9. Get Visual - whether it be by using eye catching pictures, diagrams and charts or even using video - when you add a visual element to your posts you will grab the attention of those who are more visually oriented. Images draw the eye, illustrate points and add new dimension to what is largely a text based medium.

10. Use Titles with Bling - post titles that draw people to read your post are essential and can be the difference between someone visiting your blog from a search engine, social media site or another blog and visiting someone else’s blog that has a more intriguing title.

11. Longevity Counts - many blog readers are looking to journey with someone and can be a little suspicious of new blogs and wonder how long they’ll last. Blog consistently for the long term and you build credibility, trust and profile in your industry.

12. Build Momentum - one mistake that many blogs make is that there is a sense that the blog is not really going anywhere. Posts appear on the blog that rarely relate to one another. I find that when I’m in the middle of a series or writing content that builds upon something that I’ve written before that readers really respond well. Its also this momentum that builds a sense of anticipation on a blog - which in turn builds subscriber numbers.

13. Drive People to Your Archives - one of the weaknesses of blogs as a medium is that in they often hide their best content. The content that gets most attention is the latest post - whether it is good or not. Blogs that not only highly what is NEW but find ways to highlight what is BEST in their archives draw readers to the content that is most likely to convince them to stay around for more.

Interview Tips

As I said I messed up the interview in last passage, so here I collect some useful interview tips for your reference, with hope to give help to many interviewees:

1. 85% of the verbal content of the interview will be forgotten within an hour of the candidate's departure. What remains is the overall impression, documents submitted, and a few notes.

2. Remember that the interview is an informal chat to determine if your background fits into the job vacancy.

3. Arrive at least 15 minutes early; spend the previous day in the community if possible.

4. Dress appropriately. Be businesslike, approachable, confident in your appearance. No gum, cigarette smell, heavy scents.

5. Carry an attractive portfolio. It provides a tidy, efficient place to store questions you may want to ask, information about yourself you want to be sure to transmit, a place to carry additional resumes for distribution to department heads, search committees, and others you may meet who have not seen your resume.

6. Do some research on the business before the interview. (See "How to Find a Job," "Research the Employer.")

7. Prepare/practice responses to likely questions.

8. You should take the opportunity to ask questions about the company.

9. Your ability to ask straightforward, insightful questions lets the interviewer understand your perspective and concerns, as well as your judgment and analytical ability.

In front of a mirror
With an audience of friends/colleagues

11. Review/evaluate your interview's strengths/weaknesses immediately after the interview.


This morning, I took part in an interview. How about the result? Without adoubt, this is the first response when everyone get the news. Result? Result? Result...? No result. Honestly speaking, I have no idea about this. But one thing I can assure is my bad tuition because I was too nervous to give a good performance. A fatal blow was that I didn't make any preparation because this time the interviewer asked me to give an self-introduction in Chinese. As you know, I am often asked to give answers in English. Therefore, I was at a loss to say anything, then you can imagine how embarrassed.

There is no use crying for spilt milk.

The most thing I can do is to cheer up and make full preparations to cope with the next interview. God bless me!


功夫熊猫 之 经典对白

There are no accidents.

One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.

Quit, don’t quit. Noodles, don’t noodles.

Enough talk~ let's fight!

There is a saying,Yesterday is historyTomorrow is a mysteryBut today is a giftThat is why it’s called the present (the gift).

Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear.

You cannot leave ,real warrior never quits!


Time is too slow for those who wait,

too swift for those who fear,

too long for those who grieve,

too short for those who rejoice.

But for those who love,time is eternity.






2008年主流媒体流行词(new words)

科学发展观 Scientific Outlook on Development
服务型政府 service-oriented government
三通 Three Direct Links
次贷危机 subprime mortgage crisis
手足口病 hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD)
手机漫游话费 mobile roaming service charges
垃圾短信 spam message
人肉搜索 human flesh search engine, cyber manhunt
矿难 mining mishap
封口费 hush money
堰塞湖 quake lake, barrier lake
过渡安置房 temporary dwellings, pre-fabricated house
廉租房 low-rent house
火炬传递 torch relay
直航包机 direct charter(ed) flight
单双号 even and odd-numbered license plate
婴幼儿配方奶粉 baby formula, infant formula
太空行走 spacewalk
实体经济 real economy
(政府)救助 bailout

改革开放30周年 30 years of reform and opening up


Looking Forward to 2009

How time flies! Spring festival holiday has been over. During these days, I did all the things I wish: staying with friends, traveling, shopping. After ten days' rest, I am enegetic, ambitious and passionate to put my teeth into the work.

No pains, no gains.

A genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration(A genius = 1% insperation + 99% perspiration).

I truly believe if I make every effort, my dream will come true.

I sincerely hope everyone will fullfill their dreams and verything goes well.